Sunday, February 17, 2013

Silver Linings- Seeing Small Light in the Tragedy of Newtown

Today, while browsing the internet and coming across some good ol' Sunday morning politics, I came across a story that ended with a statement from some who represents the NRA that not only peaked my interest but seemed so immoral that it couldn't get passed up.

"The National Rifle Association distanced itself Tuesday from a comment made by a lobbyist for one of its “chartered organizations” in Wisconsin, who said recently that gun rights proponents need only to wait out the “Connecticut Effect” before passing laws loosening restrictions on guns." (full story here)

"The brush-off came three days after Welch was recorded telling an audience at a Wisconsin state NRA meeting that the group has 'a strong [lobbying] agenda coming up for next year, but of course a lot of that’s going to be delayed as the 'Connecticut effect' has to go through the process.'" (full story here)

And here is an audio of his comment.

Wisconsin lobbyist Bob Welch, shown here in this 2004 photo handing out literature during his Republican primary run for the U.S. Senate.

Now, before I talk more on what I think, I went and looked up information on Bob Welch. I couldn't find much, but here is what I found. According to his lobbying firm:
"A graduate of MATC and Ripon College, Bob is a land-surveyor by profession, and served in the State legislature for twenty years. Bob was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 1984, quickly rising to leadership positions. After ten years of service, Bob was elected to the State Senate in 1995, serving until 2004. The eventual sale of the surveying business allowed Bob and Jeanne to expand and diversify the services of The Welch Group. An active member of national political organizations, Bob has expertise in both national and international policy and business." (Source)
That's about all I can find that speaks to his character from him officially. I am trying to stay unbiased on forming an opinion of him, outside of this comment, but cant seem to find much. If anyone knows more please email me at But right now, seems like he is no different from those who would knowingly surrender what is best for everyone in place of personal gain. Not my type of person and not one I particularly care for either.
So, now onto what I think, after finding all of this...

I hate that this is what had to happen to make this a reality with all my heart and soul, but do you know what's the glimmering sparkle of hope for the Newtown shooting? It's outside of the talk on gun violence (and violence in general) that has been LONG overdue.
It's that, for the first time in this type of situation happening, and it has happened FAR too often, I don't know the name of the shooter. I know little to nothing about the shooter. Every time someone talks about it, they talk about the tragedy of almost 30 lives being lost, a number of those being children. They talk about the 2 administrators that immediately ran to protect their students after they heard the first shot. They talk about the teacher who hid her 30 students in cupboards and took the bullet for them. They talk about what should be talked about so that we can finally enact common sense, positive, change that we all so desperately need. I hate silver linings. But I understand how dark it would be without them. Don't let the "Connecticut Effect" pass. Especially not before we get some shred of future peace and justice for those children and educators. Silver linings. Got to hate 'em.
So no, Mr. Welch, the 'Connecticut Effect' will not pass so that you can continue lobbying. Because people, the people who those you lobby to, are tired of the games and the antics that halt progress and, eventually, hurt us all. We're tired and we want change and we will get it.
That's Where I Stand

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